The best time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is during the mountain's two dry seasons: from late June to early October and from late December to early March. These periods provide the most favorable weather conditions for a successful and enjoyable climb. Here's a breakdown of the two main climbing seasons:

June to October (Dry Season):

  • This is the primary climbing season and is considered the best time to climb Kilimanjaro.
  • The weather is generally dry and stable, with clear skies and less rainfall, creating excellent trekking conditions.
  • Wildlife sightings are more common during this period.
  • It's the busiest season, so book your climb well in advance to secure permits and accommodations.

December to March (Short Dry Season):

  • This is the secondary climbing season and offers good conditions for trekking.
  • The weather is cooler, especially at higher altitudes, but it's generally dry with lower rainfall.
  • Fewer climbers on the mountain, resulting in a quieter experience.
  • Snow can be seen on the summit during these months, adding to the beauty of the landscape.

While these two dry seasons are the most popular for climbing Kilimanjaro, the mountain can be climbed year-round. However, the wet seasons (April to early June and November to early December) bring more rainfall, making the trails muddier and increasing the risk of altitude sickness. Climbing during the wet seasons is possible but less common and may not be as enjoyable.

When planning your Kilimanjaro climb, consider factors such as weather, crowd preferences, and your own schedule. Regardless of when you choose to climb, it's essential to be well-prepared with the right gear, physical fitness, and proper acclimatization to increase your chances of a successful summit.