The best time for a safari in Tanzania depends on your preferences and what you want to experience. Tanzania offers great wildlife viewing opportunities throughout the year, but certain months offer unique highlights. Here are the main safari seasons to consider:

Dry Season (June to October): This is generally considered the best time for safaris in Tanzania. The weather is dry, and wildlife tends to congregate around water sources, making animals easier to spot. The Great Migration of wildebeest and zebras occurs in the Serengeti during this period, with the Mara River crossings typically happening around July and August.

Wildebeest Migration (December to July): The Serengeti is home to the Great Migration, where millions of wildebeest and zebras follow a circular pattern in search of grazing. The best months to witness the migration are typically December to July, but exact timings can vary from year to year.

Calving Season (January to February): This is an incredible time to witness the calving of wildebeest in the southern Serengeti. Predators are also highly active during this period due to the abundance of newborn prey.

Shoulder Seasons (March to May and November): These months mark the wetter seasons in Tanzania. While some lodges may close during this time due to heavy rains, the landscapes are lush and beautiful. Wildlife viewing is still possible, but it might be a bit more challenging as animals disperse due to the increased vegetation.

Ultimately, the best time for your safari depends on your priorities:

  • If you're focused on the Great Migration, aim for the months when the herds are in the Serengeti or crossing the Mara River.
  • If you prefer quieter parks and lush landscapes, consider traveling during the shoulder seasons.
  • For the best chances of spotting wildlife easily and enjoying dry weather, the dry season from June to October is ideal.

Keep in mind that Tanzania's climate and wildlife behavior can vary, and weather patterns can shift due to natural fluctuations. Working with a reputable tour operator can help you plan your safari for the best possible experience based on your preferences and interests.