
Kiota  Camp  is  permanently  located  in  Central  Serengeti,  taking  advantage  of  the  year-round  wildlife  viewing  the  Seronera  Valley  has  to  offer.  Kiota,  meaning  ‘nest’  in  Swahili,  will  be  your  comfortable  home  away  from  home  in  the  middle  of  the  Serengeti.  Chaka  Camps  

Kiota Camp takes advantage of the year round wildlife viewing the Seronera Valley and nearby areas have to offer. The Central Serengeti is famed for its healthy population of large cats, permanent game around the Seronera River, and Rettima Hippo Pool.  Kiota is the sister camp of Chaka Camp. Combining Kiota and Chaka Camps for a four to six night stay in the Serengeti ecosystem is an excellent way to see many different areas of the vast wildlife area.